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Read the extract and tick the correct alternative:

Animals' Problems

         Animals have communication problems, too! In the U.S.A ., whale-watching is a very popular sport. On the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, hundreds of people go out in boats every year to see whales. Problem is, these boats (and the tourists) make a lot of noise . And this makes it difficult for the whales to hear each other. So what are they doing about it?
         Well, imagine you're in a crowded room, with lots of noise. You want to talk to your friends. So - you speak slowly and clearly. You use pauses between each sentence, You use simple language.
         In April 2004, scientists noticed that whales are now doing the same thing as humans. They use lots of pauses between their sounds. And they are 'speaking' more slowly, too! They're clever, aren't they?

In Macmillan's Portfolio on Communication

The author compares the ways whales and humans communicate in crowded places.

The author criticizes people who practice whale-watching.

The word they (paragraph 1) refers to boats.

The author stresses that most whales are deaf, because they have difficulty to hear each other.

The author sees the whale-watchers as invaders.

PACED RESPIRATION: Start by inhaling slowly. As you exhale, say the number "five" silently to yourself. Breaths should be deep enough to cause the belly to expand fully. ...

Extracted from

Mark the idea expressed by the modal should in this passage:


U.N. report wans of nitrogen runoff killing fisheries

The number of oxygen-deprived "dead zones" in the world's oceans has been increasing since the 1970s and is now nearly 150, threatening fisheries as well as humans who depend on fish, the U.N. Environment Program announced Monday in unveiling its first-ever Global Environment Outlook Year Book.
These "dead zones" are caused by an excess of nitrogen from farm fertilizers, sewage and emissions from vehicles and factories. In what experts call a "nitrogen cascade," the chemical flows untreated into oceans and triggers the proliferation of plankton, which in turn depletes oxygen in the water.

According to the text what is true about the “nitrogen cascade”:

It threatens the “dead zone”, where there are several species living.

It sets off the growth of the plankton, which lessens the oxygen in the water.

It is said to be responsible for killing living creatures in the sewage water.

It has its origin in the “dead zones”, where farm fertilizers, sewage and emissions of vehicles and factories are found.

It causes the “dead zones”, since it contains more oxygen than there should be in the water.

Engineers builds robots that walks on water.

          "Mechanical miracle" moves with two legs that act like oars. Although it's only a basic prototype, researchers imagine that this water-skimming robot could be used on any used on any still water.
PITTSBURGH - It could be called a mechanical miracle, a robot that walks on water. With inspiration from nature and some help from research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a research team led by Carnegie Mellon engineering assistant professor Metin Sitti has built a tiny robot that can walk on water, much like insects known as water skimmers, water skaters, pond skaters or Jesus bugs.

The Associated Press

Choose the alternative in which AS has the same meaning as in “... a tiny robot that can walk on water, much like insects known as water skimmers...”:

As the director refused his proposal, the sales manager prepared another one.

As they left, the burglar entered the building.

He is widely recognised as the best horror writer in his country.

She left the fair ground as there was nobody interested her products.

As the politian finished the speech, the audience applauded him.


Astronomers set a new date - and time - for the end of civilization. It will happen at 11:47 on the morning of Feb. 1, 2019. That is, if the earth were to be hit by a newly spotted asteroid called 2002 NT7. The chance of the 2-km-wide rock scoring a bull's eye lengthened from 1 in 60,000 to 1 in 75,000 as astronomers continually recalculated its orbit. If the lump of space rock did hit the earth it could wipe out a continent, throw up dust clouds that would block sunlight for months and quickly take humankind to the brink of extinction.

In the text, the word did is used to:

imply doubt.
give emphasis to the sentence.
supply a suspense mood.
establish a conditional aspect.
give the sentence an interrogatrive sense.

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