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"At first sight, immigration might be considered purely as a favor the country does to its newest inhabitants. This disregards the fact that, when an adult comes over to live in the adopted country, another nation has had to support, feed and educate or train him, over many years, during which the child is an unproductive consumer of goods and services.

Which comment on some words from the text is NOT correct?

Might (line 1) implies possibility.

Newest (line 2), adopted (line 3) and unproductive (line 5) are all working as adjectives.

This (line 2) is a reference to "favor".

Feed (line 4) is cognate with food as well as bleed is cognate with blood.

Goods (line 5) means items that can be bought or sold.

The song "They Can't Take That Away From Me" - written by George and Ira Gershwin and recorded by Rod Stewart - was a theme tune in "Women in Love" (Mulheres Apaixonadas), the soap opera that the Globo TV network has just shown.
In some verses, we read: "The way you wear your hat/The way you sip your tea/The way you hold your knife/The way we danced till three." The relative pronoun has been omitted in all those verses.

In which sentence below the same omission may happen?

I can't remember the place where I have left my glasses.

She will give him what money he needs.

My first boss, who is retired now, has come to visit me.

You may be sure he is the man whom we want for this special task.

That young man whose brother was killed in a car crash used to play squash.

In "Women in Love" (Mulheres Apaixonadas), the soap opera that the Globo TV network, has just presented Rod Stewart sings two songs. In one of them, "The Way You Look Tonight", we hear:

"You're so lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me but to love you
And the way you look tonight."

In which alternative below we can find the same idea expressed by the underlined word?

Who but Fernanda could think of something like that?

You do what l say and I don't want to hear any buts.

He intended to be home early, but the heavy rain on the road prevented him from doing that.

Our team is almost ready, but we still lack a good forward.

For me there's but one woman: the one I worship.


Some bad news: in Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Mermaid", the mermaid doesn't get her prince. In fact, she dies. More bad news: that's not the only one of Andersen's stories that has been told wrong. "Andersen was lost," says Jeffrey Frank, who, with his wife, Diana, faithfully cotranslated Andersen's most famous stories in the new "Stories of Hans Christian Andersen." "He was a literary genius and they lost the whole spirit of him," says Frank. There's no single culprit-Andersen's stories were changed by Victorian translators for tone and decency; they were spliced by publishers to fit with illustrations, and they went through so many shoddy interpretations that the originals were all but lost in translation. Some stories, like "The Princess and the Pea," were even incorrectly attributed to other authors. (It was included in an 1843 Grimm brothers' collection.) The Franks' edition finally sets the stories straight, and a valuable opening essay clarifies the tale most often told wrong - Andersen's own life story.


(Newsweek, october 13, 2003, p.8)

Which statement based on the text can be said correct?

Some of Andersen's stories were altered for the sake of moral standards.

Andersen's life is an example of wrong story.

"The Little Mermaid" is the only one whose end isn't the same as Andersen has written.

Just two translators are to be blamed by the modifications of Andersen's stories.

Illustrations were introduced to splice the texts and the originals were lost.

Jacques Chirac was mocked when he tried to stop the war with Iraq. Today the French position looks prescient.

What's wrong with the Iraqis? The United States and Britain freed them from Saddam Hussein and, sure, the vast majority says that's great. A Gallup poll, released last week, found that 62 percent think liberty is worth the hardship. But they don't much like their liberators. The same poll shows their preferred country by far is - get this - France. And their favorite leader? Jacques Chirac. The French president's approval rating tops George W. Bush's by 13 points in Baghdad. Tony Blair couldn't be elected dogcatcher.
It would be a mistake to read too much into this. Pools are just political beauty contests. But clearly it's a milestone on Chirac's road to the title of Mr. Un-America. In the months since the Iraq crisis began, France has shrewdly positioned itself not so much as the enemy of the United States but the stand-bearer for everyone on the globe who doesn't share the Bush administration's with-us-or-against-us world view. Righteous crusades against Evil, the French warned, can have evil consequences of their own. Even the best-intentioned occupiers of foreign lands will find themselves reviled by people anxious to control their own destinies.

(Newsweek, October 6, 2003)

According to the excerpt:

Chirac's criticism of U. S. bilateralism has made him a popular figure across the globe.

the french president is 13% more popular than Bush in Iraq, according to Gallup.

most people in Iraq think difficulties overcome their wish for freedom.

even the British Prime Minister has gotten more success than the american president, despite the poll.

in any freed country, the population always greets their liberators and wants them to manage the country's destiny.

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